Thursday, December 11, 2008
Dog roots
It is often said that dogs have descended from wolfs. This is fantasy. Of course we would all like to dream that our dog evolved from the noble killer wolf, but the evidence shows otherwise.
It is far more plausible that early humans befriended a medium sized dog. Or that a medium sized dog befriended early humans. The root medium sized yellow dog with pointy ears and a curly tail.
Claiming that humans domesticated wolves and turned them into pet dogs is as realistic as humans domesticating lions to make pet cats.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Observed Rate Variation
I am curious to see how people will deal with the rising water level. I can see Manhattan becoming like Venice. The low areas will flood. I can see water two or three stories deep around Canal Street. Hmm, where would the fake designer bag sellers and the video tapes movie DVD peddlers go?.Wall Street buildings would also have to be converted. The lower floors would be abandoned with a new primary floor to be built just above water level with exterior docks. I imagine there would be various small ferries in use to cross the area at Canal. Doesn’t sound too bad to me.
However, I imagine Manhattan could gather the money to build a wall around the city to keep the water out. I would guess Brooklyn could not. The artist buildings in Dumbo could be converted but the
The rest of the coasts would not be able to build walls fast enough. I could see Miami Beach being completely submerged early, the land is inches above sea level. Possibly taller buildings could be occupied at higher floors, with people getting around by boat or personal water craft, but being right on the Atlantic Ocean would pose difficulties.
I am curious enough to want to see this in my lifetime.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
In Praise of American Architectural Measurement
The rational base ten metric system changes units every count of ten. The
There are advantages for translation of units and measurement accuracy with the metric system. Ten millimeters equals one centimeter; and if you can’t quite get the measurement to fit on your ruler, you can add another decimal place. The piece is not quite 3.4 cm, but is more than 3.3 cm, then it can be more accurately 3.38 cm.
Cutting fractions in half is also easy, merely double the denominator; half of 1/16 inch is 1/32 inch. The numbers are all base 2 and base 4, easy to get a feel for the pattern. It is strangely simpler to express 1/32” than .03125”.
I have been thinking about numbers in the natural world. While the base 2 system sometimes occurs in nature, it is the fundamental of our digital system; the absolute of on or off, one or zero. The base 4 system is fundamental to all life.
The fundamental molecule to all life is the self replicating DNA. It is composed of only 4 chemicals, which then yield only 64 different combinations. These then attach together in enormous strings to make the super complex variation we see from dandelion to influenza to elephant. The whole thing is constructed on the basis of only these 4 chemicals: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.
There is unintended symmetry between the archaic architectural system and the natural chemical world.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Naturally Occurring Terrorism
That Ebola thing.
Fear All
Happens when crops fail
Usually caused by drought
Caused by human misdeeds
Or where distribution fails
Caused by human misdeeds
Street Murders
Caused by overcrowding overburdening
Global warming
Religious piety is stupid
But they do get to wear outlandish costume in public
The way clothing styles grow
How do people know what is unstylish?
Skeletons are for Archaeologists
Monday, November 10, 2008
Musical Sharing
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I was in Rome this morning
We wrapped up the Italy adventure with another road trip.

This time to the mountainous center north east of Rome. We saw mountains and castles and waterfalls. We hiked up and down the mountain town of Spoleto. Umbria is the region. I got into the usual trouble wanting vegetables on my sandwich. Damn, slices of meat on dry slices of bread is just not a balanced meal; they humor my insane idea and put tomatoes on, then watch me eat with smirks. On the way back we drove thru the industrial city of Terni. They make steel there; it looks like a steel town. Their biggest customer is the police. The gun factories are also right there and some very well stocked gun shops are visible from the street.
Photo of Spoleto school kids

I had a smooth flight to the U.S. I had planned on staying at a friend's apt that night. He was trying to finish his deadline and had to work later than 4:00, so I dropped my bags in a bar, had a beer, and read the Village Voice. He finally came home, we hung out, then another dude came over. We went out for food and margaritas. Then to a music place where a friend was playing her rocking acoustic guitar music. So I got to see many friends right away. Then an old friend from Chicago was in town and called, he was nearby so he came over too. Fun. I got to mention that "I was in Rome this morning" many times. Went to bed at a reasonable hour but I had been up for 20 some hours.
Friend from Chicago is a magazine writer in town to cover an architectural CAD convention (just one company). He took me to a party in the Guggenheim Museum. Nice party: music, drinks, food, architects. I crashed it with someone else's name tag. I got nervous when a conventioneer was admiring the firm I work for (on the tag). She was despondent when I didn't respond about my workplace. After I hid my tag, I had a nice long talk with a buoyant Canadian architect, plus I ran into Monica from the firm on the same floor as my work studio. Fun.
Well I am happy to be back in NY, talking to people in english, reading the news in english, and watching tv in english. There are no espresso bars and people here don't like Americans as much, but I'll try to enjoy myself. Thanks for listening to my stories, and thanks for the nice responses.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Volcanoes and Stone
So back to Roma. We immediately head out to the countryside to the town of Canale. Our hosts, whom we had just previously entertained for 2 weeks in NY, made jokes about arriving at Canal Street. (NY folk should understand the international word, with which the Romans made jokes, spoken in chinese accent: DVD? DVD?)
This little town is out by the lakes north west of Rome.

All of these large round lakes throughout Italy are in old volcanoes, look at the map. Damn. The festival of the weekend was the blessing of the animals.

This is a community of cowboys and there was a big parade with all the locals riding horses doing tricks; also distinguished well dressed older gentleman riders, plus a few toothless geezers. There was a group of young men and a woman with monogrammed jackets like a 50s car club. Following the riders were dog walkers, some cats, pet goats, and many rabbits. This entire town is filled with barking dogs, barking early in the morning everywhere late into the night. Bark bark bark bark bark. The blessing seemed to have no effect on their manners.
Later in the day we went to the community feast. Grand meaty meal with lots of wine on cramped picnic tables finished with many types of sweet cakes.

At another nearby lake with a slightly bigger town was a castle and entire neighborhood of medieval apartments. Fascinating living, steep stone streets, roaming cats, laundry out the window, luxury living in piles of stones. This is the castle where an actor recently had a big wedding; he allegedly paid all the local restaurants to close, and the area to be cleared. It is still the sarcastic talk of the town; they call it Tohm Cruweese castle.

We also toured other lakes in volcanoes. One town is called Rocca di Papa; I hoped it was a band called Rock of the Pope, but it was a rock of the Pope.
We cruised downtown Rome most days looking for contemporary art galleries. We found some damn good ones. For several days in a row, there were thunderstorms and hail all day long. Hail and thunderstorms in January?! Crazy. Miserable walking but weird enough to not be oppressive.
The buses have four extra superwide seats, presumably for fat people, and two wheelchair places, though I hardly saw any fat people or a single wheelchair person in Rome.
We went out to a rock club called Jail Break, saw bands called Real Swinger, and Tito and the Brain Suckers. All these names were displayed like this in English. It was a typical rock club with beat up dark wood and posters. We had dinner there(?!). Then the bands played late. I had to see some music in my quest to confirm that the USA is actually the cultural superpower, not the military superpower; as our government's military apparently isn't. My experience has been that musicians in the US are the world's best. This is partly because all the best people in the world immigrate to the US, but that is not the whole story. I am not sure what it is, but creators of original material outside the US are usually just not as good as even average US creators. The bands we saw were good, but were lacking some innate knowledge or attitude preventing them from being great.

We went to Naples. Wow. Chaos and grunge. Even the luxury areas made me feel uncomfortable; I couldn't stop thinking about that the mafia is touching all wealth here. There was a lot of beauty and vibrant life right there in the shadow of active Vesuvius; damn. I think it is illegal to use a leash on your dog. We went to the national archaeology museum and saw the Secret Room where they have a collection of erotic mosaics, hot sculpture, and sexy everyday good luck charms. A statistically measurable number of people in Naples have a fake tan.

Most doors of businesses open in, confusing Americans. Our doors open out in case of fire so people don't pile at the door and burn up. Buildings in Italy don't use much wood, everything is stone, they don't consider fire. Most businesses are closed on Monday, most also close for a several hour lunch.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
You Have Good Future-Vision
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Venetian Blinds
The city of Venice is a group of islands off the coast out in the Adriatic Sea where people went to escape the Huns and the Christians after the power of Rome fell, like around 500. It became the capital of the world for a few centuries around 1500; with a population as international as NY is today.
Now it is a revered and romanticized city of residents who have evolved their own dialect.

There are no bicycles and only unwise tourists have baby strollers.
An artist/architect friend of Simonetta's was going to be away, and she let us use her apartment in this former city-state (real name Venezia) where the experiences of Giacomo Casanova have become famous, and only slightly distorted to fit the style of the day. The apartment is in the center, on a canal, on the top floor of a building from the 1300s. It is finished modernly and has a nice little terrace on the roof overlooking a nearby square and bridge.

It has stone tables, wacky spiral stairs,

sleek wood shelves, stone floors, and a great library.
We went to the nearby supermarket, got food, and had lunch on the terrace.

The apartment was so nice, we stayed in as much as we went out.

The sound of boats going by is lovely. From two floors up, the motor sounds are soft and the shush of the wake is more present. There is an occasional radio. I regret not taking pictures of the garbage men going by with a small crane on the trash boat; but I did get a picture of the ambulance pulling up to the opening in our building that eventually leads to the street. Sorry, no body.

We met up with a group of artists and went to a gallery opening, then to its owner's home where there was more exhibition plus party. It amazes me that old and worn Venice is still such a pinnacle of contemporary art.
Of course most of the houses have Venetian blinds. But they are usually outside the windows. While the city is centuries old and much of it crumbling, I can see that old and worn out is considered good. Many things are built of not the most durable materials, and maintenance which would preserve areas is not done.
Most of the businesses cater to tourist whims. There are, however, plenty of real stores selling washing machines and vacuums or carpentry materials. This balance reminds me of life in New Orleans.
In Italy there are many broadcast tv stations. They often play recent and good Hollywood movies (well dubbed). They have many more movies on tv than we do. You don't say please or thank you when ordering from a restaurant or retail store. Eating lunch standing up at a bar (which is really a coffee shop) is normal. Cars park in any direction on the street. Scooters and motorcycles filter thru traffic like blowing sand.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Burning Celebration
Small town north eastern Italy, at the Moro family house, for a week or so. There are many decorations for Christmas still up around town, all showing a 5 pointed star with a tail. There are also small Santa Clauses (Baba Natale) climbing ladders hung out windows (like a thief or voyeur). The region, the plains below the Alps down to the Adriatic Sea, including Friuli, celebrates another holiday on the 6th of Jan. Gifts are given and decorations are witches. There are witches on brooms everywhere. Actually what happens is that a pointy hat wearing, wart nosed, green faced woman flies around on her broom delivering gifts for children, down the chimney to stockings on the fireplace mantel during the night of January 5.
This part of the region celebrates the occasion with enormous pyres. We saw many large fires in the countryside on our way to the official one in the center of a farm town called Concordia.
There was a huge tall haystack, with a skeleton of shipping pallets, in the middle of the river. All the town's people had gathered on the brides and banks. There were tables set up where men gave away sandwiches of a local soft sausage and hot wine. The fire was lit, eerie music was played, firecrackers were tossed, and the people stared in awe.
These odd traditions predate christians. People here have been burning pyres in early winter as a pagan ritual since when all of this area was Celtic. The christians couldn’t squelch the celebration 1700 years ago, so they co-opted it by putting a cross at the top of the fire. Cool.
Sima’s father had a big birthday party with all his friends and family. Really nice, everyone dressed well, gourmet food, lots of top wine. Later the men played cards with an unusual deck of narrow cards showing different medieval symbols and numbers. The game looked like Euchre. The party made me think of the ridiculous drunk driving laws in the states.
I am eating a lot. Everyday we have a three course lunch with wine, then espresso and grappa to finish. We all sit at the table at the same time, though you can start eating as soon as your food arrives. First course is usually some kind of pasta with a small amount of various sauce (no marinara yet) always in a bowl on top of the plate for the second course, which is meat. Then finished with salad. Then a different kind of wine for the fruit and sweet bread at the end. Many tangerines everywhere. Bread is eaten intermittently, taken from a little basket with many types. It is placed on the tablecloth in front of your dish, crumbs and all. Television is on the whole time. The event is wrapped up with espresso and a shot of liquor. Dinner is similar but a bit larger. This has been the same procedure at everyone’s house where I have eaten. I am beginning to understand the need for wine with food to help digest.
Everyone in Italy has very stylish eye glasses. Via means street (or way) and is pronounced VEE-a. "The car" is referred to as "the machine", not unlike how Yoopers refer to their snowmobile.
Photo shows Simonetta and her parents, Giovanni and Renata, with perpetually optimistic uncle Franco standing. Notice the witch decoration and the gift of Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth book; plastic bottle in foreground is sparkling water.

Monday, November 3, 2008
The Names of Neighborhoods

Sunday, November 2, 2008
Speech for Megaphone
Nature is self-evident. It was not created. It creates itself.
There is no magic; everything is real.
The plants and animals, bugs and fish grew into what they are today by trial and error. Mostly non-consciously. From a long lineage of evolving organisms. and will grow into something else generations later.
Do you wish for a higher power? A master to guide your life away from discomfort?
Humans have sought this organizational power since consciousness began. Consciousness was an amazing development in living things. However, it brings difficulties. The ability to ponder causes difficult questions, some questions cannot be answered yet. Deities were created to pacify these nagging ponderings. Ah..... good... yes now we know everything.
These deities are inventions of man. The only evidence for their existence is the amazingness of nature.
Do good to others because they are living beings like yourself, not because the bearded man on the cloud is watching you.
There really is no magic guiding your life. You do everything you do even if you don’t know it. Some are conscious actions, almost all are subconscious. There is no fate. Take responsibility for your life and your actions. It is the right thing to do.
Monday, October 13, 2008
That rock is not moving
Babbler. You just can't help it
playfully pouring over the stones
the liquid cannot be stopped
must be going now
gravity isn't causing much pain
but the power cannot be denied
your voice, the non ceasing bloop
underwater echo of rock on rock encounters

Sunday, October 12, 2008
John McCain is the Manchurian Candidate
When he spoke at the New School in Manhattan, a student had amazingly got a copy of his planned speech. She spoke before him and presented a point by point counter speech. He came up after and gave his exact planned speech as if no one would notice the previous speech.
He is being controlled by Vietnamese/Soviet scientists rather than the Chinese in the movie.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Learning is Entertainment.
My view provides an advantage over ground pedestrians. While they are busy scanning their 2 dimensional world for danger or pleasure or both, they rarely notice an observer from above.
Phone conversations are pleasantly revealing. Especially the small pacing radius of the soon to be extinct pay phones. Gestures and postures are readable from afar.
I can often deduce the thoughts of walkers below. I can see the top of that woman’s head turned slightly, with enough eye rotating angle left - she is watching that stylish man across the street, while attempting to not appear so. I can tell from his gait, he does not notice her, even after she stumbles on a crack.
I can read the thoughts of someone staring, head forward of the shoulders, his line of sight down the sidewalk to a large man. Then he gets distracted by a tire squeak, turning his head toward the sound. When he remembers his original interest, he looks back down the sidewalk. I see he cannot locate that guy using the shoulder and head weaving technique. He looks at the ground forgetting why he was tracking the man. Looking up, he makes a quick scan around to see if anyone noticed his confusion (or maybe looking for something else). He turns and leans with arms cocked, stops, turns 180 and trots away.
Though the talkers sometimes have enough leftover brain processing to actually look up.
I fully enjoy my leisure time. hmm perhaps foolishly.
Skeletons are for Archaeologists
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Standardized Pattern in Nature
The decimation of the
I also remembered that this same phenomena occurs in nature where a nonnative species is introduced. If it doesn’t die immediately, they quickly and easily take over. A similar thing happens in the germ world; mold, infection etc.
This seems to be a standardized pattern in nature.
My conclusion to all of this is that Earth has not yet been visited by other beings from another planet.
The book, BTW: Jared Diamond's Guns Germs and Steel.
Nosy Banana
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Shape of Water
Saturday, September 13, 2008
06/06/2001 The empty response
B says:
JV - how is the weather?
jv says:
jv says:
sorry---I am actually drawing, with a pencil and all
jv says:
B says:
jv says:
weather is beeeaaauuuutifuuullll
jv says:
yesterday was probably the most perfect weather day ever conceivably possible
jv says:
all the way through the evening into night
jv says:
and the next day
B says:
oooooh nice
B says:
ride your bike?
B says:
hey speaking of pencil dwg
jv says:
yupper with the bike
B says:
you are going to need to build up that pencil callus on the side of your middle finger
jv says:
I skidded on the way home drunk last night and I bent the rim about 6 inches off center
B says:
wipe out
jv says:
jv says:
just skid and fish tail
B says:
jv says:
smooth and skillfully
B says:
rear wheel?
jv says:
but my rear wheel is like a pretzel
B says:
pretzel is the technical term in bicycling
jv says:
for what?
B says:
twisted wheel
jv says:
I spent 20 min. bending it back in shape so that I could ride home
B says:
ya thats hard
B says:
you should go back to the same shop to get a new one
B says:
complain about the loose bearings - show them
jv says:
I did that yesterday
B says:
explain how that contributed (caused) the mishap
jv says:
he said that the loose bearings came like that
B says:
what an ass!!
jv says:
and that it is just a cheap rim
jv says:
and that my riding made it worse
jv says:
and that I am jumping curbs
B says:
no riding better
B says:
go to a different shop forever
jv says:
guy in my office use to repair bikes and manufacture them too---he offered to put it all back in alignment
jv says:
he said he will fix like new if I take him out to lunch
B says:
cool - steel rims are harder to straighten tho
jv says:
adjust bearing and align rim
jv says:
he likes the challenge I gues
B says:
reasonable trade for food
jv says:
he said all can be fixed in 15 minutes
B says:

Friday, September 12, 2008
06/14/2001 Working Drawing Meeting
B says:
JV ma man, how's the workaday world?
jv says:
jv says:
B says:
B says:
actually going to pick up a job today
B says:
jv says:
bout time
B says:
went to my life drawing session at the erotic gallery down the street
B says:
last night
jv says:
jv says:
sounds great
jv says:
I have to run to a meeting
B says:
jv says:
i can't be late
jv says:
I be back around 4pm
jv says:
B says:
check your e-mail later
jv says:

Thursday, September 11, 2008
06/19/2001 Neocon
Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
Peter says:
yo what ;up
Peter says:
how's Chi town
B says:
hey hey Chitown is good. perfect weather now
Peter says:
Peter says:
what else is going down?
B says:
Sailing, some parties, some music
B says:
a little dull tho
Peter says:
Peter says:
things are mellow here as well
B says:
the sailing in the big lake is great
Peter says:
Peter says:
i gotta boogie, i'll catch you later
B says:
awright mon
Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
B says:
hey ballbag
jv says:
What up?
B says:
went to see my accountant today
B says:
jv says:
buy real estate
B says:
B says:
hey, P Kreider's number don't work
B says:
718-902-1240 not in service
jv says:
speaking of which, I have to call him meself
jv says:
802 not 902
B says:
B says:
I went to a couple of parties here last night
jv says:
good boy
B says:
Neocon - big interiors trade show extravaganza
B says:
swanky parties
B says:
I saw 2 girls I know from NY
jv says:
jv says:
any good?
B says:
B says:

Landscape with Snow
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
07/03/2001 Rock / Fetish
Peter says:
Yo brian, what up?
B says:
Hey daddio
B says:
I'm getting ready for a big rock concert
Peter says:
it sounds as though you have been checking out some interesting stuff
Peter says:
who is playn
B says:
interesting stuff is my favorite hobby
B says:
maybe vocation
B says:
The bands: Pantera, Slayer, Static-X
Peter says:
Peter says:
B says:
Ya loud
B says:
I want to get there early to hang out on the busses and get some drinks
B says:
My guys in Static-X
Peter says:
Peter says:
sounds fun
Peter says:
have a good time and bang your head
Peter says:
gotta run and get some food
B says:
Peter says:
B says:
Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
jv says:
sounds like a good night
jv says:
Miami sure is filled with a lot of freaks
jv says:
did you get some whips on rubber girl?
B says:
no whips
B says:
How do you know Miami has a lot of freaks
jv says:
you told me
jv says:
I read your e-mail
jv says:
sounds like fun
B says:
no no in Chicago here
B says:
ya fun
jv says:
oh yeah, you're in Chicago
jv says:
I forgot
jv says:
thought you were in Miami
B says:
you're funny
jv says:
jv says:
same difference anyway
B says:
hot as fuck in miami
jv says:
yeah, lot of freaks in Chicago sounds like
B says:
the sky wants to have a hurricane everyday in miami now
jv says:
B says:
ya, freaky gallery
jv says:
sounds more like a night club scene
B says:
I am not down with that fetish stuff
jv says:
young ravers
B says:
but I do like open sexiness
jv says:
righton bro
jv says:
got any pictures?
B says:
B says:
it is a party scene - beer wine
B says:
jv says:
B says:
but it is an art gallery exhibition
B says:
The establishment is really a front for a dungeon
jv says:
i see
jv says:
how do they make a profit?
B says:
guys pay hundreds to be humiliated and spanked
jv says:
Dominatrix thang?
B says:
Ya, a large underground "culture"
jv says:
boredom can do that to some
B says:
B says:
I like regular sex
B says:
when people get to bored with that, they need to sexualize something else
B says:
I am listening to NPR right now with the surgeon general on
B says:
discussing a new sexual behavior report
B says:
sounds like a good report
B says:
controversial to church-heads
jv says:
everything seems to be
B says:
they keep going back to "teaching" "abstinence"
B says:
wishful thinking
jv says:
I think I should sign up to that camp
B says:
report says 50% of infectious disease is std, 22% of all woman have been sex assaulted, pregs up and younger
jv says:
jv says:
that sucks
B says:
a religious guy called in saying he didn't want the school tell his daughter about it.
B says:
He said they taught evolution. sex like animals going into heat
B says:
he wanted to tell his kid himself
B says:
you know he won't
jv says:
kill him
B says:
jv says:
I am meeting with Kreider for a project
jv says:
after we may go and stop by your moto
jv says:
I checked up on it yesterday
jv says:
looks better than ever
B says:
B says:
whats your project w/PK?
jv says:
skin thang
jv says:
I need him to hermetically seal the latex
jv says:
maybe with plexi or resin or both
B says:
does latex melt?
jv says:
jv says:
hardens with light
jv says:
sunlight destroys it
B says:
jv says:
dries, cracks, and becomes very brittle
B says:
taste good?
jv says:
maybe---you should try it
B says:
i'll leave a rubber out on the porch
jv says:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
07/13/2001 Summertime vodka galleries
B says:
hey mon
B says:
happy friday
jv says:
jv says:
I been meaning to chat wich cha
B says:
what is in store for the weekend?
jv says:
how goes?
B says:
good here
B says:
perfect day again
jv says:
last night was big opening night
jv says:
here too
B says:
what open
jv says:
I-20 and all those galleries in that building with the endless stairwell
jv says:
B says:
jv says:
Big roof top party on that big building in Chelsea with I-20
B says:
yea, I can imagine
jv says:
someone set off fire alarm and smoke everywhere
B says:
wow fire?
jv says:
cops came
jv says:
I didn't see fire
B says:
jv says:
someone fuckin round
jv says:
smoke all through the gallery
jv says:
cops came
B says:
tonight all the galleries open here
jv says:
and firemen came
B says:
usually summer is dead
jv says:
B says:
Absolut flows tonight
B says:
everyone comes out
jv says:
danger danger Will Robins
B says:
ya it is dangerous
jv says:
jv says:
Drew's B-day Sat.
B says:
shots of vodka at every gallery adds up
jv says:
Shiva is throwing party for him on her roof
B says:
ah, great
jv says:
Vodka? where?
B says:
she have view of river?
B says:
Absolut sponsors the galleries
jv says:
B says:
jv says:
so Pete fixed your bike
B says:
ya, I talked
jv says:
Edward from Clay wants to buy your Moto
B says:
B says:
has he a one before?
B says:
has he had
jv says:
jv says:
he wants to learn
jv says:
buy bike and pick up chicks
B says:
learn on a race bike
B says:
bike does get chicks
jv says:
how much you want for it?
B says:
new ad says 2000, but 1700 ok
B says:
sportbike with high passenger seat especially good for girls
jv says:
B says:
rotate those hips forward and vibrate that puss
jv says:
I should buy it
B says:
you should all get in on it as a timeshare
jv says:
I need someone to train me a bit
jv says:
it's been 20 years since I rode a motorbike
jv says:
I rode dirt bikes when I was a young lad
B says:
ya, and this one is a bit tricky
B says:
peter ride it around?
jv says:
he rode it to Bklyn to fix it
jv says:
said he needed to have shop and tools and home
B says:
jv says:
then rode it back
B says:
he said he'd put it back under the scafold
jv says:
B says:
I hoped he would keep it under his eye, but he doesn't have a place for his even
jv says:
jv says:
we talked about that
jv says:
my friend Kevin keeps an eye on it
B says:
oh yea
B says:
allen is cool, especially after it was moved for a day
jv says:
lunch sucka

Monday, September 8, 2008
08/29/2001 Frying Pan dancing
B says:
hey hey
B says:
find anything going on htis weekend?
jv says:
B says:
there is a party 3-9 at ps1
jv says:
this weekend is scattered
jv says:
yeah, the PS1 party is great
B says:
jv says:
hottest chicks at PS1
B says:
oh yea
jv says:
scattered meaning that everyone I know is going to various locations
B says:
fucking holidays
jv says:
jv says:
I have to go visit some old friends and some people I use to work for out in PA
jv says:
I don't think I will leave until Sat
B says:
jv says:
not very exciting
B says:
is PA far?
jv says:
I have just been putting it off all summer
jv says:
they mad at me
jv says:
Thurs there is party at the Frying Pan
jv says:
what time you coming in?
B says:
thurs um 8ish I think
jv says:
jv says:
you wanna go?
B says:
yes, what is fry pan
jv says:
old WWII ship
B says:
oh yea
jv says:
old ship rusted out, full of secret rooms to explore and they turn the existing rusted hull into dance floor
B says:
be sure to wear shoes
jv says:
it's kind of trippy
jv says:
right, shoes
jv says:
good idea---thanks
jv says:
you know of anything else going on?
jv says:
I have been really out of it for a while
B says:
not much art as expected
B says:
a wedding in the adirondacks
jv says:
summer in NYC is real slow and most people I know just lay low and to themselves
jv says:
what wedding?
B says:
Mike J musician in the group with Tom the voice over and Jack Grace
jv says:
Mike, TOm + Jack are getting married?
B says:
I wanted to see fire island, but they are all going to the hills dammit
B says:
group marriage you know
jv says:
i hear fire island is real nice
jv says:
are you going to wedding?
B says:
I think it is far
jv says:
when you moving back here
B says:
end of sept
jv says:
why end?
B says:
jv says:
B says:
I am flying in to newark at 6:35
B says:
end of sept 'cause I am paying rent in Chicago til then
B says:
not that important i guess
jv says:
sorry we can't go to shore, parents are always there
B says:
B says:
maybe a afternoon, how long is train?
jv says:
2.5 hours
B says:
jv says:
you can take ferry to Sandy Hook
jv says:
that is only 45 min
jv says:
nice nude beach
B says:
well well

Sunday, September 7, 2008
09/10/2001 Summer End, Art Season Begin
Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
B says:
jv says:
jv says:
what up?
jv says:
Hey, Did you fix my White Rabbit?
B says:
fix it? sure
B says:
your squeak?
jv says:
not no more. Thank You very much
jv says:
it runs like a dream now
B says:
The one side is still loose, need to tighten that nut
B says:
how did your blood turn out?
jv says:
what did you do?
B says:
I just put oil there
jv says:
jv says:
B says:
normal fix - remove crank arms, put grease on spindle area, put arms back on with mallet and tighten
jv says:
when did you have time for that?
B says:
that's the proper fix, oil in your case worked
B says:
but you should tighten the drive side
jv says:
B says:
after a few rains it'll squeak again
B says:
hey does your dvd work?
jv says:
jv says:
it hasn't worked in a while
B says:
jv says:
jv says:
sorry I didn't get to spend more time with ya
B says:
'sok, uninvited holiday drop in
B says:
so did you get lyme or c.f.s?
jv says:
dunno---i have high Titer count in blood
B says:
jv says:
leads to believe i 'may' have something like Lyme
B says:
u feel god now?
jv says:
so I am going to take the 21 day antibiotic thing
jv says:
so so
B says:
jv says:
B says:
good luck
B says:
when did you get back from pa?
jv says:
i missed bus that night
jv says:
took bus in morning--i think around 10:30am
B says:
not bad
jv says:
yeah, 8:30 am bus--2 hours
B says:
you should send a longer e-mail describing the opening of the art season there in NY. you went to many galleries?
jv says:
they suck so far
jv says:
nothing to write about
B says:
hmmm usual bad art to good art ratio here in Chicago. many parties
jv says:
gotta run to meeting
jv says:
ciao bro
B says:

Saturday, September 6, 2008
09/13/2001 Check friends for injuries
jv says:
me ok
jv says:
how you?
B says:
glad to hear
B says:
I am shaken
B says:
I feel guilty about getting mad at other petty everyday things
jv says:
jv says:
B says:
B says:
are you working?
jv says:
jv says:
can you imagine if you saw it live
B says:
I bet my moto will be impounded now
jv says:
B says:
I did watch it unfold in real time
B says:
Didn't get the smell or good sound
B says:
alarm clock woke me about a plane crash into tower
B says:
I though hmmmm, strange accident
B says:
Turned on tv, like they planned
jv says:
jv says:
off phone now
jv says:
jv says:
wowa, the site must have been amazing
B says:
I kept gasping out loud
jv says:
it is like a war zone downtown
B says:
jumping up then down
jv says:
jv says:
police everywhere
jv says:
B says:
how do pete and mari get home?
jv says:
hard to breath here in city
jv says:
I am escaping to beach
B says:
crunchy concrete dust in your lung
jv says:
jv says:
jv says:
I have to leave now though
jv says:
Everyone i know if fine
B says:
jv says:
everyone has sore throat
jv says:
eyes hurt
B says:
keep your eyes clean
jv says:
that thing is still smoking
jv says:
you can still see it smokin' like crazy
jv says:
huge black cloud
jv says:
white cloud
B says:
jv says:
i gotta leave this f'in office
jv says:
tired of it here
B says:
ya live
jv says:
have a good one

There Should be Flowers in the Future
Friday, September 5, 2008
09/21/2001 in the "Zone" of Quarantine
B says:
hey dude
B says:
are you on?
jv says:
jv says:
jv says:
in meeting
jv says:
learned how to ride motocycle
B says:
no prob
jv says:
B says:
Been down in the "Zone" lately?
jv says:
not aloud
jv says:
B says:
jv says:
i rode Puffy motobike a few weekends ago
B says:
B says:
you feel good on it?
jv says:
oh yeah
jv says:
I am a natural
B says:
B says:
I wonder if mine is still on the sidewalk in the "zone"
jv says:
where the keys?
B says:
jv says:
bring em on down
B says:
jv says:
got to run, late for meeting again
jv says:
jv says:
B says:
jv says:
hope all is well
Peter has been added to the conversation.
jv has not been added to this conversation yet.
B says:
Hey Pete are you on?
Peter says:
Peter says:
B says:
ciao back
B says:
how is your neighborhood?
Peter says:
ok, gotta run for now
B says:

The Universal Fibers of Connection
Thursday, September 4, 2008
09/25/2001 Melted Facades
B says:
Hello Johnny
jv says:
yo yo
B says:
how do you feel?
jv says:
i feel like riding a motocycle
B says:
good thinkin
jv says:
how do you feel?
B says:
pretty good really
B says:
been in a good mood all day
jv says:
jv says:
i went by the zone on Sunday
B says:
what you see?
jv says:
sure is a lot of debris and stuff
B says:
jv says:
melted facades of buildings
B says:
jv says:
every building around is covered with dirt
B says:
jv says:
big big pile of junk
jv says:
B says:
get souvenier?
jv says:
jv says:
they won't let you near it
B says:
drifts of dust
jv says:
army is blocking it all off
jv says:
guards, military
B says:
yea, TV news girl Laura lives 2 blk away
jv says:
it is a real war zone
B says:
from there
jv says:
jv says:
where is she now?
B says:
Laura cant go to apt
jv says:
i bet
B says:
staying with friends
jv says:
jv says:
did you invite her to stay with you?
B says:
not yet
jv says:
you should
B says:
jv says:
Barry Bliss is playing tonight
B says:
ahh....hear of any apt tips for me?
jv says:
I gotta run and catch that guy
jv says:
jv says:
no tips yet
jv says:
i still looking
jv says:
find one for me and you can have my apt.
B says:
keep your ear open
jv says:
and eyes
B says:
called some from v voice
B says:
yb owner
B says:
rent by owner
B says:
I wan to avoid broker
B says:
tell me about the business world
B says:
is architecture in action?
jv says:
jv says:
sorry, boss came to chat
jv says:
gotta run out with him
jv says:
talk tomorrow
jv says:
B says:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
10/01/2001 drive
Peter says:
yo what up?
B says:
Hey Peter
B says:
Its sunny and I am laughing at some new e-mails
Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.
B says:
Hey Johnny
jv says:
B says:
I'm driving out
B says:
tonight maybe
jv says:
to NYC?
jv says:
jv says:
not much work around here from what I have heard
B says:
got some business, could be working today
jv says:
in NYC?
B says:
jv says:
B says:
old office burned, they need my memory
jv says:
B says:
how is it in your office?
B says:
productive or dazed?
jv says:
bit of both
jv says:
we are busy for a little while until these townhouses are finished
B says:
i think I'll crash at frederick's for a bit, he offered a spot
B says:
apartment hunting will be better with me on the ground
B says:
hope i get enough time
jv says:
i keep the ear out
jv says:
I tried to call Frederick over weekend
jv says:
his phone was disconnected
jv says:
I think he has money probs
B says:
jv says:
i want to move myself
B says:
new 'hood?
jv says:
yeah! mine sucks!!!
B says:
when do you think you'l move? are you looking now?
jv says:
not really looking yet
jv says:
I waiting for real estate to drop
jv says:
then i buy apt.
jv says:
will drop soon
B says:
goo plan
B says:

The Strawberry Acrobat
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Rock Show Observations #9
For example, I met a woman from rural
During the rock show
I watched a front-row bouncer feed his animals.
The meatheaded guy was pacing the gap between the stage and the people packed against the railing. He was eating small things by the handful, maybe nuts. He would stop and look through the multitude. Occasionally talking with people but not looking at them; he would sprinkle his food into the outstretched hand of those he was restricting. Interesting because the restrictor is a member the lower strata of well thought out people and the people who manage to work up to the front row are of the highest strata.
I pursue the Amateur study of Anthropology whenever I can.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Conversation Swirling Into Cocktail 1
New year’s eve 2001 was approaching and I had spent every night previous with my musician friends. A love filled bunch, but I felt I was wearing out my welcome. I called the head of my art friends to hear what might be going on. Johnny explained a party with Mary the gallery gal and that whole crowd. He insinuated heavy cocaine use a couple of times. That turned me off and said that I told a guitar player I was doing whatever he did. Which was the truth.
On the Eve I couldn’t contact the guitar player, so I called Johnny to see how it was going. I successfully invited myself to the party. I got dressed wearing the new red silk boxers and sexy socks I bought the day previous. I went to his place; one of the gallery guys was there already. We worried about drinks. Knowing the place would be stocked, it is still bad manners to not offer a gift. John was sure there would be too much traffic by the gallery to get the champagne there. We had a little coke. Johnny finished shaving and we were off to the gallery (no alcohol sales on Sun) by taxi.
Up the stairs, past the alarm. I saw the show at the opening but I re-enjoyed the soft light-switch by
Taxi to midtown. Swanky neighborhood. Inside many shoes were left on a rug by the stairs. I was undecided what to do. I had already had a shoe dilemma. I bought some new boots two days prior because of a foot of snow in the city and very spotty plowing. (I had put off buying boots for many years, but now I couldn’t even cross the street. Luckily there are several shoe stores around the corner.) They are cool and new and the streets were still sloppy, but they are boots. I can’t wear boots to a sophisticated party. I also cannot wear the other inevitably slush and snow covered shoe choice.
The boots came off. I also had new socks to show off. A woman came down the stairs to greet us. Peter the gallery guy introduced me and Johnny to her. She was nice and took the wine. I lamented not being able to show the bottles we brought publicly. She said it was ok; she was the hostess.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Conversation Swirling Into Cocktail 2
There were several people I know and more I didn’t.
A very good house for a party. 5 floors, each with different flavored rooms and a bathroom on each floor. Many kisses at the bell. Numerous interesting people: the guy who takes photos of large groups of naked people that I had heard about (we almost got him to take us all on the roof), the man of the house was a gallery owner but I thought he was a dick (and I told my friends), the german fashion designer with her sexy pants, and the other artists. I even got a chance to show off my new red silk, then my boxers were photographed. We talked about many interesting things like our era in history, the nature of art, and the future of art. I also had a good talk with a beautiful woman about atheism. She had apparently inadvertently scared someone off and was looking for a kindred spirit. She’s lucky to have found me. The hostess was also great. Maybe 2 single women there.
My anxiety about the drug situation was exaggerated. There was a pile of coke and generous lines for everyone, but none of that nonstop peer pressure sort of coke party I have seen before. It was very nice. Many of us danced to old disco. Ugh I can barely make myself dance to that even though I danced most of the night.
A huge group of us left at the same time. The hostess told me without solicitation that I added a lot. We walked to an avenue contemplating taxis. At the corner a few minutes later, a limousine was flagged down. It was empty, on its way back to the livery. A fare downtown was negotiated. We were on our way to the west side of
The restaurant that we usually have to ourselves was full of strangers. Damn not so much fun. Still we hung out ‘til dawn. I made my rounds with the parting smooches and had a delightful walk home at sunrise with my protective boots.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Mass Fallibility
January 2001
Judges are making outrageous rulings and people question them. Making the courts fallible. Unreliable.
The president is fake. Most people disregard him.
The overly wealthy or powerful go unpunished for crimes.
We are practicing for complete anesthetization
or headed for rebellion,
or slow disaster.
Monday, August 25, 2008
To Your Health
Everybody needs orgasm. There should be more orgasm. It is not about adultery or underage sex or other taboos. Though kids should be having orgasms. Everybody needs orgasm. Many people have regular orgasms; many do not.
Unfortunately with repetition comes boredom and increased tolerance. So technique variety should be developed to keep on a satisfactory course of never ending pleasure.
Giving away orgasm is good.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Old People
Out one afternoon
An engineer friend of mine wanted to end our bicycle ride at a bar. Into the nearby
Picked up a dollar of tip money asking the bartender for quarters for pool. The ‘tender yelled back “Pool is Free” huagh? Responded the engineer. “Pool is Free” huh? …I had to tell him it was free. Checking the table he asked the drinking partner “… …. … something something …. …. … . . .mmmmm I wonder how long the old man has been playing”… “I hate old people” he says with a grin. He asks the bartender about the old man “he always there, never loses” … “well get ready we are going to beat the old man,
I hate old people” he says with a grin and charm
Bartender laughs out loud
I think he is kind of telling the truth
Tall Skinny seventy something year old wrinkly dude with a farmer cap. A bit fidgety. He played very well in his light colored slacks and open toe shoes
Occasionally missed
Tended to poke all of his balls to one corner
Didn’t lose
In his comfortable shoesThe Secret Interior Gloom
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Most animals have a consistent fur. Few on the planet grow hair longer in one area of their body than another. Lions, horses, goats, elephants, humans, squirrels and more. Humans are the only ones trimming their fur.
Everyone who grows their hair to the maximum knows the philosophy being the naturality.
Women have the option, in this era , to wear their hair any way possible. Many do not appreciate the gravity of the accomplishment.
Some mammals are relatively hairless. Pigs, whales, humans, hippos,

Pleasantly Breezy
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Chemicals like to organize.
Water molecules attract each other and flow together. Rivers form. It is not a dispersed sheet of water over the land. Even as a gas, the mass of more dispersed molecules stays together in clouds large and small. Water molecules stick together and flow even in solid glaciers. The extreme state of temperature and the extreme amount of mass.
The physical and electrical shape of water molecules lead them to become a nearly universal solvent. The electricity in its V shape separates certain types of molecules from others.
I think this V organization of the 2 hydrogens and 1 oxygen is the cause for the shape of snowflakes.
Beyond water:
Most molecules only react or combine with specific molecules. There are many things that don’t form chemically; the other things are inevitable.
Friendly Showerhead