For example, I met a woman from rural Pennsylvania backstage at a rock show. She traveled far with the mother of the guitar player to see her childhood playmate all grown. The show was in New York City, a stunning difference from the hometown in the hills. She wore a decade-old blond hairstyle, an undergraceful gait, and one snaggly tooth. I am sure she is considered hot in her hometown. Here she was in New York City, hanging out with the rock stars. I could sense her nervous, excited, scared of the freaks, be calm, elevated status, bewildered mood. I engaged her in conversation. I seemed to scare her with my artistical talk. Not the danger scared, but the, I don’t know what to say, scared. My specific concepts and unusual words did not sink in.
During the rock show
I watched a front-row bouncer feed his animals.
The meatheaded guy was pacing the gap between the stage and the people packed against the railing. He was eating small things by the handful, maybe nuts. He would stop and look through the multitude. Occasionally talking with people but not looking at them; he would sprinkle his food into the outstretched hand of those he was restricting. Interesting because the restrictor is a member the lower strata of well thought out people and the people who manage to work up to the front row are of the highest strata.
I pursue the Amateur study of Anthropology whenever I can.

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