I read a study of the development of human societies. One of the themes that has occurred over and over throughout history is: one group encountering another slightly less technologically advanced; killing them all and taking their shit.
The decimation of the New World and other european imperialization are excellent examples, though it has been going on long before then. I imagine early modern humans, being taller quicker and smarter, when encountered, would have killed off the Neanderthals and any other protohuman species.
I also remembered that this same phenomena occurs in nature where a nonnative species is introduced. If it doesn’t die immediately, they quickly and easily take over. A similar thing happens in the germ world; mold, infection etc.
This seems to be a standardized pattern in nature.
My conclusion to all of this is that Earth has not yet been visited by other beings from another planet.
The book, BTW: Jared Diamond's Guns Germs and Steel.

Nosy Banana
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