B says:
JV - how is the weather?
jv says:
jv says:
sorry---I am actually drawing, with a pencil and all
jv says:
B says:
jv says:
weather is beeeaaauuuutifuuullll
jv says:
yesterday was probably the most perfect weather day ever conceivably possible
jv says:
all the way through the evening into night
jv says:
and the next day
B says:
oooooh nice
B says:
ride your bike?
B says:
hey speaking of pencil dwg
jv says:
yupper with the bike
B says:
you are going to need to build up that pencil callus on the side of your middle finger
jv says:
I skidded on the way home drunk last night and I bent the rim about 6 inches off center
B says:
wipe out
jv says:
jv says:
just skid and fish tail
B says:
jv says:
smooth and skillfully
B says:
rear wheel?
jv says:
but my rear wheel is like a pretzel
B says:
pretzel is the technical term in bicycling
jv says:
for what?
B says:
twisted wheel
jv says:
I spent 20 min. bending it back in shape so that I could ride home
B says:
ya thats hard
B says:
you should go back to the same shop to get a new one
B says:
complain about the loose bearings - show them
jv says:
I did that yesterday
B says:
explain how that contributed (caused) the mishap
jv says:
he said that the loose bearings came like that
B says:
what an ass!!
jv says:
and that it is just a cheap rim
jv says:
and that my riding made it worse
jv says:
and that I am jumping curbs
B says:
no riding better
B says:
go to a different shop forever
jv says:
guy in my office use to repair bikes and manufacture them too---he offered to put it all back in alignment
jv says:
he said he will fix like new if I take him out to lunch
B says:
cool - steel rims are harder to straighten tho
jv says:
adjust bearing and align rim
jv says:
he likes the challenge I gues
B says:
reasonable trade for food
jv says:
he said all can be fixed in 15 minutes
B says:

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